WFTDA Announces Opening of New Member Program
The Membership Pillar of the WFTDA is excited to announce the opening of our New Member Program. Last fall, the Membership Pillar closed the Apprentice Program as a part of a larger Membership restructuring. Following this closure, the Pillar has been working to develop policies and procedures for dues, volunteerism, voting, and membership benefits, and are now prepared to begin accepting applications once again, this time in the form of our New Member Program.
The most significant change to the New Member Program is the dissolution of the “mock sanctioning” requirements. This will allow leagues around the globe that may be geographically isolated or unable to travel frequently the opportunity to obtain membership without an added barrier.
This will result in one large change to the process of being ranked for the first time, as well. New members will no longer be required to play three sanctioned games against three unique opponents to be publicly ranked for the first time.
With the retirement of the Apprentice Program, there is no more mock-sanctioning program, including mock-sanctioned games for an Initial Strength Factor. Instead, new member leagues will be required to play a Strength Factor Challenge (SFC) game before playing their two sanctioned games within a 12-month period to be ranked. For the initial SFC game, it is recommended that new member leagues select an opponent with a strength factor of 1.00 or greater. Read more about the Strength Factor Challenge Program.
Questions regarding the New Member Program should be directed to newmember@wftda.com.
Visit the How to Join page for more information and to apply.