In order for a game to be sanctioned by the WFTDA, a game must follow the policies outlined in any document on this page marked with an S. WFTDA Regional and Championships tournaments follow the policies outlined in documents marked with an S as well as a T. In order for games to count as regulation on an official’s Certification and/or tournament application game counts, the game must follow the policies marked with an R.

S = Required for Sanctioned Games
R = Required for Regulation Games
T = Required for WFTDA Regional and Global Championships

WFTDA Competition Overview

The Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) competitive system and rankings are regionally based. Every two years, each region has a Regional Championship of the size and structure that best supports the needs of the region, and the WFTDA will designate a number of seats per Region to seed teams to compete for the Hydra in the Global Championship.

In order to promote more roller derby for more members, the WFTDA Charter Roster Policy allows leagues to enter more than one charter team into the competitive season, and skaters may play on a maximum of two charter teams. A skater’s two charter teams can be based in the same league or two different leagues. Two WFTDA teams of any league can have a maximum crossover of 8 skaters in the regular season and 3 skaters in the Championship events. Leagues with more than one team competing may not sanction games between their own teams.

The competitive season has been extended from the single year that was the prior standard, allowing teams more time to schedule and play the games they wish to play, and to give teams at the top of the regional rankings more time to plan and fundraise for Championships.

The rankings algorithm is capped to allow for more choice in opponents – teams can be more widely spread out in rankings and can still play a viable game for their rankings. Ranking points are set up so that if Team A has double the ranking points of Team B, they are predicted to win a game between the teams with double the score.

Rankings are published monthly on the WFTDA Rankings website.


The WFTDA has divided its global membership into six regions for the 2023-2024 season:

  • Europe (EUR)
  • Latin America (LATAM)
  • North America Northeast (NAE)
  • North America South (NAS)
  • North America West (NAW)
  • Oceania (OC)

The WFTDA Competitive Play Committee may split or combine regions in the future, based on the competitive needs of leagues and the organization.

Leagues are assigned to regions at the start of each season, but may also request region changes. A team may play for regional rankings in one region only, with the exception of the Geographically Unrestricted Region (GUR). If they choose to switch geographic regions mid-season, they will lose any game points accumulated in their old region and will need to start over in the new region. (Note: Teams they played do get to retain the points they earned from those matchups.)

Rankings are regional, meaning only games between teams in the same region count for regional rankings. Ranking points and rankings can not be compared from one region to another as there is no relative strength comparison possible from a purely algorithmic perspective.

Geographically Unrestricted Region (GUR)

In addition to the regional Hydra pathway, the WFTDA has created a Geographically Unrestricted Region, or “GUR”, which rhymes with the English word “spur.” It was created as an optional way to recognize, support, and rank teams without regards to their geographic location.

The GUR is not a “global” ranking, because much of the globe is not represented: Many WFTDA teams will not compete outside their own region and even historically, having world-wide rankings while only a small number of teams played international games led to poor “calibration,” especially between teams of Australia and Europe outside the top 10.

All teams sanctioning inter-regional games are automatically added to the GUR, and achieve a GUR ranking in addition to their regional ranking. A GUR ranking does not provide a pathway to the Hydra, but we hope it will provide additional gameplay opportunities for teams who want to travel for competitions outside of their region.

The Competitive Season

The 2023-2024 season runs from January 2023 to June 30, 2024. Regional Championships for each region take place at the end of the season, with the cutoff for qualifying rankings play on April 2. Regional Championships count towards the current season.

The 2024-2026 season will run from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2026.

Global Championships take place at the end of 2024 (2026, etc.) and games played there count towards the following season.

The WFTDA takes a two-month off-season in all regions where no games are sanctioned. For the 2023-2024 competitive season, the off-season months are December 2023 and January 2024.


The WFTDA produces and publishes an official ranking for each region monthly, based on the games played up until the end of each calendar month. Teams are ranked by their Average Ranking Points (the Ranking Points calculated for a team based on all games they played in a season), in descending order. Detailed information on the algorithm and how game and monthly rankings are calculated is available in the 2023 Rankings Algorithm document. (Also available en français, en español, and auf Deutsch.)

The WFTDA may produce additional rankings, e.g. a live ranking that includes games played since the last official ranking. These rankings, if produced, are only for information purposes and do not affect any calculations.

Seasons and Seeding

Rankings are seasonal – only games played within a rankings season count towards a team’s ranking for that season. For 2023, teams were assigned a seeding based on the December 1, 2022 results in Flat Track Stats. After this first year, teams start the season with a seeding based on their ranking in the previous season. This seeding is for reference for teams to schedule games against appropriate opponents and will not affect their official ranking after the month in which the team plays their first sanctioned game.

So if a team with an existing seeding plays their first sanctioned game of the new season in September, their October 1st ranking will only be computed from their game(s) played in September. (If they play multiple games in September, the ranking points from these games will all be calculated based on the seeding from the previous season, as that is their most recent official ranking until the new ranking is assigned on October 1.)

Teams who do not have past results start unseeded, and their first game against a seeded or ranked opponent is a “seeding game” which determines their initial ranking. Seeding games must be played before any sanctioned games for ranking but there is no waiting period for the initial ranking to become effective. A team may even play a seeding game and then a regular sanctioned game later the same day.

If the game score ratio of a seeding game is 10:1 or greater, that game does not count as a seeding game.

If a team is unable to find an opponent for a seeding game that would result in a game score ratio of less than 10, they should reach out to, provide documentation of their efforts, and explain the situation. Competitive Play may be able to assign a seed using a different method.

Teams who feel their seeding is not representative of their true strength may also opt to discard their seeding and start unseeded instead.

Eligibility for Regional Championships

In order to be eligible for Regional Championships each season, a team will have to play at least 5 sanctioned games against teams that are reasonably “close” to them. This includes “seeding” games for the unseeded team.

A game is considered “close” if it has ANY of the following qualities:

  • The actual score ratio of the game is between 0.25 and 4, or
  • The predicted score ratio of the game, at the time of the game, is between 0.25 and 4, or
  • The predicted score ratio of the game, at the time of the sanctioning application, is between 0.25 and 4, or
  • The difference of the teams’ ranks, at the time of the sanctioning application, is less than 15.

Here is a video that explains the new competitive system and rankings.

The Competition Q&A document explains specifics about the competitive system.

Rankings/Seedings Lists

The WFTDA posts rankings and seedings at the start of each month. Rankings and sanctioned game stats can be found at

Charter Rosters


The WFTDA Charter Roster Policy has been updated to reflect important changes to allow for more people to play more roller derby.

  • Member leagues may have more than one charter team (for an additional fee per team), or no team at all.
  • Skaters may be on up to two active charter rosters at a time, and these rosters may be on any WFTDA team.
  • Teams may have no more than 8 crossover skaters on any active rosters in the season and no more than 3 in the postseason.

Charter Roster Submission

WFTDA-member leagues may submit their charter rosters using the instructions provided here.

A team’s first charter for 2023 is effective immediately. Any future charter updates (adding a skater) have a 30-day waiting period to become effective with the submission day being Day 0. (So if you submit January 1, the charter is effective January 31.)

Starting June 1, 2023, all charters must be submitted 30 days prior to the game, no exceptions.

Publicly Viewable Charter Rosters

The public may view all the most recent, active rosters here.

Previous rosters, some of which may still be active, are available here.

Fair Play Principle

The rankings system is based on an assumption of faithful and honest gameplay, in which both teams are trying to get the best result possible, and the only intentional determinator of rank is the strength of the teams. Deliberate attempts to alter rankings directly in a way that does not reflect the true strength of the teams is considered deceptive and could be a violation of the WFTDA Code of Conduct.

This not only includes a team attempting to boost their strength through unsporting means (such as rostering “guest skaters” to get into Regional Championships, who will not be skating with the team during Regional Championships), but also attempts to lower their own ranking, or boost an opponent’s, by intentionally holding back (outside of slowing down to prevent injury or in a game past a 4:1 scoring ratio). It can also include attempts to get or maintain an inaccurate ranking by being overly picky with which games a team is willing to sanction.

For the 2023-2024 season, the WFTDA will be monitoring these requirements and may choose to remove or relax certain restrictions overall or selectively, if the ecosystem or a small number of teams face unexpected circumstances.

Regional and Global Championships

The WFTDA will support host-run championship tournaments in each Region and will work with member leagues in each region to determine the size and structure of the events.

For the first competitive cycle, Regional Championships will take place in either May or June 2024

  • North American and European Regionals will be 12-team, 3-day events.
  • The Latin American tournament will include as many teams who have played one sanctioned game that can participate.
  • Oceania will be determined via The Great Southern Slam (TGSS) first-division bracket.
  • Global Championships will be a 12-16 team, 3-day event in November 2024

WFTDA-Sanctioned Game Application and Policies

Sanctioning Application Submission

Sanctioning applications for games and tournaments are due 30 days prior to the game date or leagues may be assessed a late fee. The host league is responsible for submitting the application and obtaining the online signature of all visiting leagues.

» Instructions for submitting games and tournaments

Sanctioned Game Policy Documents

WFTDA Sanctioning Policy (English) (S, T) 

This document outlines the requirements for WFTDA-sanctioned games and tournaments to count towards WFTDA Rankings points, including: Application Requirements and Submission Deadlines; Insurance Requirements; Uniform Requirements; Score Reporting and Games Data Requirements; and more. Failure to meet the requirements outlined in this document could result in sanctioning being rescinded from a game and loss of game eligibility for WFTDA Rankings points. (Updated October 2024)

WFTDA Expulsion and Suspension Policy (S, T)
This document outlines the requirements for managing foul-outs and expulsions for violations of The Rules of Flat Track Roller Derby in WFTDA-sanctioned games. (Updated June 2023)

WFTDA Cancellation and Forfeit Policy (S, T)
This document outlines the definition and process for cancellations and forfeits of WFTDA sanctioned games. (Updated October 2024)

WFTDA Charter Roster Policy (S, T)

This document outlines the requirements for WFTDA Charter Rosters. Failure to meet the requirements outlined in this document could result in sanctioning being rescinded from a game and loss of game eligibility for WFTDA Rankings points (updated October 2023).

WFTDA Tournament Documents

WFTDA Regional and Global Championships Games Policies – This document includes all additional games policies and uniform requirements for teams participating in WFTDA Regional and Global Championships.

WFTDA Tournament Track Setup Requirements

Tournaments Code of Conduct


A Games Tournament Oversight Officer (GTO) provides oversight at tournaments and multi-game weekends to ensure a fair and well-managed competitive event. The main duties of the GTO are to:

  • oversee competition and tournament policies
  • support officiating personnel and the tournament host
  • manage sanctioning and score reporting
  • act as a Skater advocate
  • enforce grievance policies

The GTO is a required position for WFTDA-sanctioned tournaments.

WFTDA Member and Certified Official Patch FAQ

Here are some answers to common questions about WFTDA Member and Certified Officials patches, and information about our patch licensing program. If you have any concerns about patch requirements or options, please contact If you need to contact our Board of Directors, please email

Are WFTDA patches required?
Officials working the WFTDA Regional and Global Championships are required to follow the WFTDA Officiating Uniform Policy. There is no requirement to wear them otherwise, but officials should note that some leagues follow this same policy.

Displaying the WFTDA patch on charter team uniforms is no longer required for sanctioned games, but WFTDA Member Leagues may display the WFTDA logo/patch on their uniforms as a benefit of membership.

Where should the Member Patch be located?
Officials working the WFTDA Regional and Global Championships are required to follow the WFTDA Officiating Uniform Policy that states it must be on the left chest. There is no requirement to put it in a specific place outside these events, but as some leagues follow this policy, it is recommended to put it there.

There are no placement requirements for teams, but it is recommended that they are in the same place on the uniform for all skaters.

Where should the Certified Official Patch be located?
On jerseys with sleeves, the certification patch is meant to be on the right sleeve. Alternative placement of the certification patch is acceptable on sleeveless jerseys.

How can I get the WFTDA logo/patch or Certified Official logo/patch printed on my uniform?
WFTDA-Certified Officials and WFTDA Member Leagues may display the WFTDA logo or Certified Official logo on their uniforms as either a patch or sublimation through one of our licensing partners listed on

This licensing program is open to any manufacturer, and we hope to partner with companies across the globe to make a variety of WFTDA products more accessible to our community. Please contact for more information on becoming a partner.

Are physical patches available?
WFTDA Member patches are not currently available through the WFTDA; however, we have options for you to order from our Patch Partners at

If you need a Certification Patch, please contact

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