Updated WFTDA Code of Conduct Toolkit Released
After over 1,684 views since its release in September 2019, we are happy to have updated the WFTDA Code of Conduct Toolkit in December 2020.
Because the Coda document we were previously using for the toolkit didn’t allow for easy translations, we have changed the format of the Code of Conduct Toolkit. The toolkit is available in PDF and Google Doc format in the Membership Library in the WFTDA Community, alongside additional resources available to members of WFTDA and the WeFTDA Collective. The PDF is also available publicly on the WFTDA Resources website.
Other 2020 updates:
- We added a preamble on Anti-Racism work and what the new Code of Conduct addition means for you as a league;
- We worked in the great and very appreciated feedback and resources from Atlanta Roller Derby (see their open letter here);
- We added some help for assuming best intentions and reflective questions;
- We added and updated the resources section.
For easier comparison, we marked the updates inside the document.
The WFTDA Code of Conduct Toolkit is meant to serve as a framework and guiding document for collaboration and to hold space for the important work of understanding, developing or revising a Code of Conduct, including important policies and procedures.
For this we created additional workshop guidance to use the WFTDA Code of Conduct Toolkit exercises on:
- Microaggressions & Implicit Bias
- Privilege, Marginalization, Oppression & Intersectionality
You can find this guide in the Membership Library as well as the WFTDA Anti-Racism Education & Resources Community forum. Sign up for the WeFTDA Collective to get access yourself or have your WFTDA Skater or Official Representative join.
We are always eager to improve the Toolkit and create additional resources, and are curious to hear your experiences. Please fill out this feedback form!
- Did you use the toolkit or some of the exercises for an internal league workshop or yourself?
- What information was missing and what would you like to see added?
- What was helpful and what can we highlight for best practices in the future?
- What other useful ideas have you been developing for yourselves?