3/23/20 – COVID-19 Statement and Update
Dear Membership and Community,
Last week, the WFTDA Board of Directors advised member leagues to suspend training and competition to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.
The Board of Directors, Staff, and Task Forces are continuing to meet once a week to review new information about the pandemic and discuss how it will affect our 2020 competitive structure.
As a reminder, leagues should follow the advice of your local public health officials and National Governing Bodies when deciding to resume activities.
We also hosted an Open Forum on March 20, 2020 to answer questions from the community about possible impacts to the 2020 competitive season and postseason events.
Watch the archived recording of the Open Forum hosted on March 20, 2020, which includes:
- Questions and answers from the roller derby community.
- Information about what leagues can do now regarding planning and resources.
- How WFTDA and Quad Media can help your league with watch parties and other broadcast content, general guidance on legal issues, public relations, and more.
Check out the COVID-19 Updates & Recommendations page to find:
- Latest News from WFTDA.
- Wellness tips and resources from the WFTDA community (#WFTDAwellness) such as training videos, podcasts, and how to use online conferencing tools for group workouts.
- Communication template for leagues to use with members for safety precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
What’s Next?
We acknowledge the ongoing concerns from membership about the 2020 competitive season and beyond, due to the pandemic. More information is coming in the coming weeks about adjustments to the Ranking Calculator and 2020 postseason events.
Please be sure to watch the archived recording of last week’s Open Forum since a lot of questions were covered. You can also contact us with additional questions specifically about the WFTDA’s response to COVID-19 at covid19@wftda.com.
This is a challenging time for our membership, the roller derby community, and the world at large. We see you, we hear you, and we will continue to provide weekly updates.
With love and gratitude,
WFTDA Board of Directors and Executive Director
Wicked, Competitive Play Chair
Acid Assassin, Rankings Chair
Teenie Meanie, WFTDI Board of Directors and WFTDA Rankings Theory
Nell Bomb, Games Officer
Hewlett Smackard, Competitive Play Rankings Liaison
Michael Watson, Games Portal Developer
Bambi Lance, Risk Management Chair
Tara Byte, Interim Officials Co-Officer
Strong Female Character, Interim Officials Co-Officer
No Bias Tobias, Sanctioning Chair
Axis of Stevil, COVID Task Force
Elf Hazard, COVID Task Force