WFTDAccess Call for Content
We’re all missing our teammates right about now—whether on the track, behind the clipboard, the mic, volunteers, and fans in the stands. Right now, we have a unique opportunity to share all of the derby content we’ve been wanting to see but were always too busy to produce!
We’ve created a NEW community broadcast access channel called WFTDAccess!
Have you been thinking of starting a podcast? Do you and your friends talk derby constantly? Are you a creator of derby content already? The WFTDA wants to get your creativity out into the derby-verse on WFTDAccess.
The goal of WFTDAccess is to celebrate and cultivate our diverse community of creatives, better connect members, and give us all some much-needed derby entertainment!
Send us your pitches for live and pre-recorded audio or video media and we can offer production assistance and guidance. Let’s get creative—together!
Learn more about how to submit your content here, and give us a shout at WFTDAccess@quadmedia.tv with any questions!