WFTDA Releases “This is Roller Derby” New Beginner Curriculum
WFTDA has the end of year gift you did not know you needed!
The Minimum Skill Requirement (MSR) Task Force, led by our MSR Curriculum Developer Maha El Nasser, and WFTDA Education are proud to release the beginner curriculum “This is Roller Derby” for participants new to the sport.
As of December 15, 2020, the former MSR has been removed from the WFTDA Charter Policy and is no longer required for WFTDA charter skaters participating in a WFTDA-sanctioned game, and no longer recommended in general. There will be no other baseline skill requirements for entering into a WFTDA-sanctioned game. Furthermore, when submitting charters to WFTDA, WFTDA Member Leagues no longer have to certify that charter skaters have passed the Skater Rules Test.
New Curriculum “This is Roller Derby”
As guidance for new participants entering the sport, the WFTDA is providing a plan for leagues to develop their skaters’ skills to be able to play WFTDA-regulation and sanctioned games.
We created the curriculum as a basis that can be constantly built upon with additional guides. So, alongside this first iteration, we are releasing the following additional resources:
- Glossary
- Coaching Resources Library
- Introducing Contact & Recovery Guide
- Recommendations on Mixed Level Play
- Skills Cards
- Creating an Inclusive Training Environment
- Player Development Map
- Transition Plan
We are looking to release additional guides in 2021 including more Skills and Values cards, as well as further Training Guidelines for Officials as we acknowledged we needed more outside expertise to develop those guides. If you are interested in helping, you can find more information on the Officiating Education & Certification community. If you’re not a member yet, you can find more information on how to join the Collective at https://community.wftda.org/.
Transition Plan
The WFTDA will provide help in the transition and beyond, as we understand that many leagues are not currently practicing and won’t be able to test the new principles as they are developed.
In the WFTDA “Skater Education & Training” Community Workspace the former Curriculum Task Force will help answer questions and offer guidance while you transition to a new program or process. Sign up for the WeFTDA Collective to get access yourself or have your WFTDA Skater or Official Representative join the community.
As we are transitioning to this new system, we also want to create a new resource-sharing approach to make it easier to share and request resources. The long-term vision for WFTDA is to create a coaching or training certification program and curriculum with all these resources combined. (See more information on the Transition Plan for new beginner curriculum “This is Roller Derby”.)
In the meantime, we want to hear from you via this feedback form! We will be doing webinars starting in January 2021 to address questions and concerns, and help Member Leagues and Collective members to transition away from the MSRs.
You can access the new curriculum and all additional resources on the WFTDA Community at https://community.wftda.org/beginner-curriculum.