The WFTDA’s recommendations are much more stringent than my town, city, or nation’s. Which recommendations should we follow?
The WFTDA would never recommend that you violate your city, state, province, or national directives around COVID-19. Abiding by the laws in your league’s region is important.
However, the WFTDA recognizes that our values around preserving the health and wellness of the roller derby community may conflict with the desires of many governments to return local economies to pre-COVID-19 activities. As in, your government may be telling you to return to activity, but in accordance with our guidelines, not all of our WFTDA conditions have been met.
The WFTDA is interested in assisting leagues in making ethical, science-and data-based decisions about whether it is safe to return to social integration in your area. This may be at odds with governments focused on rebuilding the economy, and we ask that leagues put lives above the economy by working with us for this plan.