WFTDA Board of Directors
WFTDA is Overseen by a Volunteer Board of Directors elected annually by WFTDA Member Leagues. Learn more about the current BoD below.

DiFibrillator – President
Golden City Rollers (Johannesburg, South Africa)
Pronouns: she/her
Dianne “DiFibrillator” Silva hails from Golden City Rollers in Johannesburg, South Africa. She found Roller Derby accidentally when she was asked to be a medic at a home season game back in 2014. For the first three jams, she was like, “this is madness.” At around jam four, she was like, “ok, this is cool.” And halfway through jam five, she was like, “where do I sign up!” And the rest is history. Other than the inclusivity of the sport, the thing that excites Difibrillator the most about Roller Derby is its potential to empower members, regardless of where they find themselves.
DiFibrillator has held many caps within Golden City Rollers during her tenure, from NSO, to HNSO, Charter Team Bench Manager, Coach, Charter Team Skater, Risk Coordinator and Medical Consultant, WFTDA Skater Representative, and Chairwoman of Golden City Rollers. She was an NSO for the 2018 Roller Derby World Cup and was elected the RDNC Global Chair in 2020.
In her professional life (i.e. the one that pays for her derby life), she is a financial advisor who runs her own insurance brokerage and co-owner of Origin Skates Shop. She has an MBA and various insurance and finance qualifications. She is also a mom to too many animals (prepare for cats joining Zoom meetings), loves cooking and baking, and is a big fan of riding Harley Davidsons.
Tarabyte – Vice President
Santa Cruz Roller Derby (California, USA)
Pronouns: she/her they/them
TaraByte fell in love with roller derby in the summer of 2009. Never having seen a game before going to a scrimmage and scorekeeping, she didn’t know what a ghost point was and somehow managed to do the job and came back to another scrimmage. It was at that point that she joined the Silicon Valley Roller Girls, working to NSO, and quickly became the HNSO for the league. During her time at SVRG, TaraByte worked with the WFTDA committee, COC committee, and BOD a general board member.
TaraByte realized when joining the WFTDA committee for the league that she wanted to do more with the organization. So she started in HR and helped create a process for evaluating leagues in the organization for participation. TaraByte then started to work with the officiating pillar, Starting by applying for the TOSP chair, then in 2019 Co-Officer of the officiating pillar.
In officiating she continued in her never ending quest to THNSO Champs, and in 2019 that goal/dream became a reality. Then in 2020 TaraByte made a new goal to join the BOD of WFTDA and that happened quicker than expected. Excited to get going and be a part of this organization.

Iron Tyrant – Secretary
Golden City Rollers (Johannesburg, South Africa)
Pronouns: she/her
Aimée “Iron Tyrant” Plank was first dragged to a Golden City Rollers’ practice in 2011; unbeknownst to her that this sport, and its community, would soon become one of the greatest loves of her life. Iron has been an active WFTDA rep since GCR graduated to full membership in 2016, and became fully immersed in the world of WFTDA after the 2017 Roller Derby World Summit where she was drafted to the WFTDA Outreach Programme. Following this, she was elected to the Compliance Panel in 2017 and then joined the Board of Directors in 2021.
Back home, Iron has served in many roles within GCR; including Vice-Chair, Director of the Board, Head of Coaching, and Charter Team Captain. She has also represented South Africa at the 2014 and 2018 Roller Derby World Cups.
In her outside-of-derby life, Iron works as a graphic designer for a marketing and events company. She is also a mom to the cutest dogs in the world and enjoys napping and snacking.

Lois Slain – Treasurer
DC Rollergirls (Washington DC, USA)
Pronouns: she/her
Kali Schumitz “Lois Slain” was one of the first WFTDA representatives for the DC Rollergirls when the league joined the WFTDA in 2008 and has been involved ever since. She previously served as the WFTDA Marketing Officer and Public Relations Committee chair.
After skating eight seasons with DCRG, Lois retired from active skating but remains a passionate fan of the sport, and you will still find her with skates on her feet now and then. At DCRG, she held numerous leadership roles including two terms on the Board of Directors and two seasons as a travel team co-captain.
A former journalist, Lois now directs communications and advocacy work for a nonprofit working to advance racial and economic justice through state fiscal policy.

BambiLance – General Board Member
Circle City Roller Derby (Indiana, USA)
Pronouns: she/her
Bambi had been a roller derby medic starting in 2007 through her job. In 2008 a new league was formed and she has been with Circle City Roller Derby ever since, as one of the original members. Bambi played a role in Circle City becoming a WFTDA member league, serving on the league BoD for five years, and has served as a skater rep as well as officiating rep.
Bambi has been very active with Risk Management for almost the past 10 years and has helped evolve safety/medical for our members. She has also served on Certification Oversight.
After a medical diagnosis, Bambi switched from skating to officiating and served as Tournament Head Ref for WFTDA Championships in Montreal in 2019. Don’t be surprised to see someone go from crutches/walker/wheelchair to skates, that would be her. Becoming physically disabled due to Multiple Sclerosis has not kept her down.
Professionally, Bambi is a Licensed Paramedic with a ton of specialized initials that go after that because that’s what medical people do. Bambi has worked with special events and sports for over 20 years.
Rhodes Warrior – General Board Member
Sacramento Roller Derby (California, USA)
Pronouns: she/her
Rhodes quickly fell in love with roller derby in February 2012 and never looked back after joining a small league in the Sierra Foothills of California as a skater and official. Today, she is the Executive Director of Sacramento Roller Derby while skating for their A charter and coaching their B charter, and is a recognized level official with Sacramento and Bay Area Derby.
Historically, Rhodes has been on her leagues’ Board of Directors since 2012 with High Country Mountain Derby Girls and then after transferring to Sacred City Derby Girls in 2014. Rhodes was also actively involved in the unification between Sacred and Sac City Rollers to become Sacramento Roller Derby in 2018, and has continued to be nominated into leadership roles. She encourages skater to official crossover, and empowers members to take ownership of their roles within the league to promote pride, growth, and retention.
Sacramento associates her with doing all the things: blocker, pivot, jammer, leader, coach, NSO, and referee; and she expresses that each position helps strengthen another. Professionally, Rhodes is a social worker and educator, with her Masters of Science in Forensic

Babe Runner – General Board Member
Cape Girardeau Roller Derby (Missouri, USA)
Pronouns: she/her
Bri “Babe Runner” DeWitt joined roller derby in 2018 after seeing a flier for recruitment. She joined her local league, Cape Girardeau Roller Derby, and instantly fell in love with the sport and camaraderie. She also skates with the Southern Illinois Roller Gremlins charter team. She loves the role that smaller leagues play within WFTDA.
For her league, Babe serves a variety of roles: acting as CFO on the CGRD Board, creating the graphics and social media posts, acting as the WFTDA rep., and she’s a member of the league’s training committee. Babe recently has begun referring to serve the sport and be more ingrained in the derby community.
Professionally, Babe is a high school English teacher in an alternative education program. In her spare time she draws, builds and drives scale RCs, and loves her pet turtles.
sLow Loris – General Board Member
Rose City Rollers (Oregon, USA)
Pronouns: she/her
sLoLo decided to something that was just for her in the spring of 2012, and joined Rose City Rollers as a Wrecker. She quickly learned that roller derby at its very best is never just for any individual. Roller derby is at its very best when the sport and the community are coalesced into a society of like minded folks working together to make this important part of their lives something meaningful and impactful for everyone involved.
After holding a multitude of volunteer roles, both in life and roller derby, it made sense for sLoLo to want to try to be a part of effecting change on a larger scale and she is very grateful to have found that path as a member of the WFTDA Board of Directors.
Tenacious Dee – General Board Member
Rocket City Roller Derby (Alabama, USA)
Pronouns: she/her
Dominique (Tenacious Dee) has been skating with Rocket City Roller Derby in Huntsville, Alabama since November 2016. She has held multiple leadership roles at RCRD, including Fundraising Chair, Recruitment and Retention Chair, League Secretary, and WFTDA Representative. She is currently in her second term as League President.
When she’s not playing roller derby, you can find her reading, collecting houseplants or skating with her daughter.
Bork Bork Bork – General Board Member
Windy City Rollers (Illinois, USA)
Pronouns: she/her
Bork is a lifelong athlete who is ever-grateful to have found a competitive contact sport environment beyond the college years! From an early age, she felt the most fulfillment when building skills, friendships, and memories while playing team sports like softball, basketball, volleyball, rugby, and dodgeball.
She joined Windy City Rollers in late 2009, and has proudly skated, captained, and coached in the league’s home teams and travel teams. She’s also served in many leadership and support roles in WCR’s Events, Admin, and Marketing committees, and the Executive Board.
When not skating, Bork is running her fundraising and strategic planning consulting firm, Reflector Lab, chasing a 3.5 year old and an 8 month old, swinging kettle bells, and making viral TikTok recipes. She continues to practice approaching derby leadership, governance, and advancement with humility and curiosity as our environment, leagues, and the sport evolves.
Past Board Members
- May-ek Querales-Mendoza (Mexico City Roller Derby) – General Board Member 2023-2024
- Tifa Knoxhard (Santa Cruz Roller Derby) – General Board Member 2021-2023
- Alyen (Nantes Roller Derby) – General Board Member 2022-2023
- Wasabi (Amsterdam Roller Derby) – Treasurer 2021-2023
- Gloom (Windy City Rollers) – General Board Member 2019-2020, Vice President 2020-2022
- Deadeye (Bay Area Derby) – Vice President 2017-2020, President 2020-2021
- Aphrobitey (Burning River Roller Derby) – General Board Member 2019-2021
- F-Bomb (Rose City Rollers) – Vice President 2016-2018, General Board Member 2018-2021
- Victoria Gonzalez/Tacocat (Amsterdam Roller Derby) – General Board Member 2017-2021
- Lianne Parry/Legs (Auld Reekie Roller Derby) – General Board Member 2019-2020, Secretary 2020-2021
- Kim H. Fandango (Derby City Rollergirls) – General Board Member 2-18-2019, Secretary 2019-2020
- Master Blaster (Bear City Roller Derby) – President 2017-2020
- Dire Wolff (GO-GO Gent Roller Derby) – General BOD Member 2017-2019
- Furrrocious (Amsterdam Roller Derby) – Secretary 2017-2019
- Teenie Meanie (Sacred City Derby Girls) – Treasurer 2017-2019
- Ms. D’fiant (Angel City Derby Girls) – Treasurer 2013-2017
- Amy Spears (Ohio Roller Derby) – Vice President 2015-2017
- Alassin Sane (Detroit Derby Girls) – President 2012-2017
- Eduskating Rita (NEO Roller Derby) – Secretary 2014-2017
- Grace Killy (Brewcity Bruisers) – President 2010-2012, Ex Officio 2012-2016
- Lorna Boom (Rat City Rollergirls) – Vice President 2011-2015
- Siouxsicide Bomb (Rocky Mountain Rollergirls) – Interim Second Vice President 2009, Secretary 2010-2014
- Loco Chanel (Rat City Rollergirls) – Treasurer 2009-2013
- Miss Jane RedRum (Fort Wayne Derby Girls) – Secretary 2008-2010
- The Ruffian (Dominion Derby Girls, Atlanta Rollergirls) – Vice President 2008-2011
- Mercy Less (Charm City Roller Girls) – Treasurer 2007-2008
- Ivanna S. Pankin (Arizona Roller Derby, SoCal Derby) – Treasurer 2006, Secretary 2007-2008
- Dahmernatrix (Duke City Derby) – Secretary 2006, Treasuruer 2007
- Whiskey Mick (Tucson Roller Derby) – Past President 2006, Vice President 2007
- Crackerjack (Mad Rollin’ Dolls, Texas Rollergirls) – Vice President 2006, President 2007-2010, Past President 2010-2012
- Hydra (Texas Rollergirls) – President 2006-2007, Past President 2007-2009