5/18/20 – COVID-19 Update

Dear Roller Derby Community,

This past Friday, we shared a public keynote address for our 2020 Online Annual Meeting to the entire community. We have been diligently working on a variety of strategic initiatives, and were proud to finally share our comprehensive approach to WFTDA roller derby in 2020 and beyond.

As circumstances around the COVID-19 pandemic change globally, the WFTDA will continue sharing regular updates and guidance as we navigate through this challenging time. As always, we appreciate your thoughts and feedback on our initiatives.

To note this week:

    • Return to Play: This week, we were pleased to have so many community members join us for our annual public keynote address on “The State of the WFTDA.” It was heartening to see such a positive response to our introduction of the WFTDA Return to Roller Derby Guidance for COVID-19. Member leagues are encouraged to comply with the new guidelines, along with the new Risk Management Infection Control Guidance and Skating Educations Return to (Full Contact) Skating document.
      Non WFTDA Members and other sports organizations are encouraged to request a copy of the return to play guidance via the online form.
    • Rankings Transition Plan: The Board of Directors seal of approval process has now been completed for the Rankings Transition Plan, which has been put together to adjust WFTDA Rankings programs in light of the worldwide COVID-19 crisis. A finalized version of the document will be posted to wftda.com within the next week.
    • Cancellation of the 2020 International WFTDA Championships: With deep regret, the Board of Directors announced the cancellation of this year’s WFTDA Championship Tournament due to be held in November. We understand – and share – the disappointment this brings to our members, community and fans.

We remain committed to the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association values, putting the health and welfare of our member leagues, skaters, officials and volunteers at the forefront of our organizational decisions surrounding this virus.

Please continue to direct any questions or ideas regarding the WFTDA’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic to covid19@wftda.com.

If you are a Skater or Officiating Rep and have not yet logged into the Community at community.wftda.org and reviewed the 2020 Online Annual Meeting information and presentations, please do so. The information is up and ready for you to share with your Leagues. The Community will become an important place for discussion amongst members and Member Leagues. If you encounter any issues with logging in, please reach out to portal@wftda.com

Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to the sport of roller derby.