WFTDA Releases Rankings Transition Plan for COVID-19
The WFTDA has announced a rankings transition plan to address the COVID-19 crisis. In order to protect the rankings of our member leagues while game play is suspended due to COVID-19, all games played starting in March 2019 will be retained in the rankings until they drop from the rankings window per the plan posted on our Games and Tournament Policies page.
There will be a special March 31, 2020 rankings release to serve as a baseline for rankings moving forward. All monthly rankings releases are also suspended until further notice. See the current rankings at https://stats.wftda.com/rankings.
By retaining the 2019 games, the plan allows for uneven and regional play throughout 2020, before gradually amending the length of the rankings window and decay factor in 2021 to return to our standard 12-month window and .5 decay factor on the oldest 6 months of games in July 2021.
The WFTDA Rankings Theory Committee will meet on a bimonthly basis to review the plan and to make adjustments as dictated by the impact of the virus on our sport and the rankings needs of our membership. They will also determine a method to assess when enough game play has occurred throughout enough WFTDA regions to release public rankings again, as well as to move to our new Live Rankings system.