WFTDA Releases 2023 Clarifications to the Rules of Flat Track Roller Derby
The WFTDA Rules Committee has made some adjustments to the Rules of Flat Track Roller Derby, which will be effective immediately.
The adjustments are as follows:
Rules Updates
- 2.3 Engagement Zone: Clarified that Skaters who are illegally blocked while out of play or out of bounds may legally counter-block, but may not initiate new blocks or continue blocking beyond what is necessary for safety or to absorb the block.
- 2.4 Blocking: Clarified the definition of counter-blocking.
Glossary Updates
- Added a definition for Actively Absorbing.
- Counter-Block: Clarified that continued blocking beyond what is necessary to counter the initial effect of the opponent’s block is considered a separate block.
- Initiator: Clarified that continued blocking past what is considered to be the initial counter-block, makes that counter-blocking Skater the initiator and the legality of that action considered separately from the original contact.
Casebook Updates
- Scenario C4.1.3.A: Edited the scenario to better illustrate the reason the penalty will be assessed.
- Scenario C4.1.3.G: Edited the scenario to better illustrate appropriate counter-blocking action while Out of Play.Scenario C4.1.3.H: Added this scenario to illustrate when both the initial blocking while Out of Play and when continued counter-blocking should be considered a new block and therefore should be penalized.
- Scenario C4.1.I: Added this scenario to illustrate when counter-blocking Out of Bounds for safety reasons is not penalizable.
- Scenario C4.1.3.J: Added this scenario to illustrate when normal gameplay actions (e.g., an assist) may cause a No Pack situation, but is not illegal and therefore does not warrant a penalty.
- Scenario C4.1.3.E: Updated the scenario to better illustrate appropriate enforcement of pre-Jam penalties for Jammers.
- Scenario C2.2.2.C: Edited the scenario to change from “earned” superior position to “established” superior position.
Visit rules.wftda.com to view and to download the updated rules. Translated documents will be posted in the coming weeks. To see the full summary of clarifications, click here.