WFTDA StatsBook Workbook (updated February 2025) is available for public use in both US Letter and A4 formats, and is required for use by WFTDA-sanctioned games and tournaments. The workbook is formatted for use with Excel 2010 or higher, or LibreOffice 4.3.x or higher.

Please note: The WFTDA StatsBook and StatsBook Manual are updated independently and at times may have different revision dates listed.

WFTDA StatsBook Workbook US Letter (February 2025) (R, S)
WFTDA Statsbook – Printable Paperwork US Letter

WFTDA StatsBook Workbook A4 (February 2025) (R, S)
WFTDA Statsbook – Printable Paperwork A4

WFTDA StatsBook Manual (February 2025) (R, S)
The StatsBook Manual provides detailed instructions on how to complete the WFTDA StatsBook.

The Public StatsBook Repository includes all games submitted in 2023 and forward.

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