Concussion Resources
Tools and Resources for Recognizing and Treating Concussion
Use the resources below to educate your league members on the importance of recognizing and properly treating concussion. If you would like to recommend other resources to share, please use our contact form to send us an email with the Education and Training > Education Programs subject.
Concussion and Head Injury Resources
Concussion Recognition Tool (CRT or also called ‘Pocket’ version of the SCAT5)
Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT)
Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport
Resources for Medical Personnel
Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 5th Edition (SCAT5 – for Medics and Team Physicians)
Traumatic Brain Injury Reduction in Athletes by Neck Strengthening (TRAIN)
Concussions in Roller Derby
WFTDA Risk Management Guidelines
“Mind, Body & Roll” Podcast, Episode 8: The Concussion Discussion
Roller Derby Athletics: Returning to Derby after a Concussion
Video: What happens when you have a concussion?
Concussion 101 Info Sheet